Filmore County
About FCDC
A special place composed of 8 communities, 5,986 individuals and unlimited potential.
We are Fillmore County Development and we know there is more to Fillmore County than meets the eye. We are here to strengthen and to celebrate the “more”. Established in 1989, we have a great deal of history to learn from, but we are also ready for change. We strive to learn the true, current needs of our communities and through our partnerships and resources help our county prosper. That is our mission, and we hope that we will have your support.
Our Vision
To achieve the most dynamic business climate in Fillmore County by pursuing all avenues of growth for new and existing business, toward the goal of maximizing employment opportunities, tax base and quality of life.
Who We Are
A Non-Profit Organization with the core focus of helping Fillmore County and its people thrive. We are member-driven, which means your contributions as a member keep our organization running and reaching our goals.
Our goals = County goals.
What We Do
We foster economic development within the county and its local communities. Our mission targets growth in the following areas:
- Workforce & Housing
- Business Development
- Marketing & Public Relations
- Leadership

Fillmore County Development Corporation Objectives:

Marketing & Public Relations
Strengthen our county image, by promoting its pro-business environment and sharing all the components which make it a great place to live!

Business Development
Support business retention and expansion by identifying needs and celebrating successes. Provide essential data for recruitment purposes.

Build a strong community by providing leadership programs and resources that support professional development and an entrepreneurial attitude.

Workforce & Housing
Manage job banks and connections to employers. Seek funding and share housing loan applications in down-payment and rehabilitation assistance.
Get Involved
Become A Member
FCDC Members are both community individuals and businesses.